Solving the Enigmatic Case of the Spring Application: Working Locally, but Not in Docker
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Solving the Enigmatic Case of the Spring Application: Working Locally, but Not in Docker

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Are you tired of pulling your hair out, trying to figure out why your Spring application works like a charm when built locally, but refuses to function when built inside a Docker container? You’re not alone! This conundrum has puzzled many a developer, leading to frustration and despair. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to unravel the mysteries of this perplexing issue.

The Scene of the Crime: Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and examine the problem more closely. You’ve built a Spring application that works flawlessly when compiled and run locally. You’ve tested it, and it’s perfect. But, when you attempt to build the same application inside a Docker container, it suddenly stops working.

Here’s a typical scenario:

  • You’ve created a Spring Boot application using your favorite IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or Visual Studio Code).
  • You’ve written some amazing code, and the application runs smoothly when executed locally (e.g., using `mvn spring-boot:run` or `gradle bootRun`).
  • You’ve created a Dockerfile to containerize your application, but when you build the image and run the container, the application fails to start or behaves erratically.

This is where the frustration begins. You’ve checked the code, the Dockerfile, and the environment variables, but nothing seems to be amiss. What’s going on?

The Suspects: Identifying the Culprits

In this section, we’ll explore the common culprits behind this issue. Don’t worry; we’ll get to the solutions soon!

Mismatched Java Versions

One of the most common reasons for this problem is a mismatch between the Java version used in your local environment and the one used in the Docker container.

Imagine you’re using Java 11 locally, but your Dockerfile is configured to use Java 8. When you build the application inside the container, the Java 8 environment might not be compatible with your Spring application, leading to errors or unexpected behavior.

Inconsistent Dependencies

Another suspect is inconsistent dependencies between your local environment and the Docker container. Perhaps you’ve added a dependency in your `pom.xml` file (if you’re using Maven) or `build.gradle` file (if you’re using Gradle), but it’s not present in the Docker container.

When you build the application locally, the dependency is resolved correctly, but when you build it inside the Docker container, the dependency is missing, causing the application to fail.

Environmental Variables and Configuration

Environmental variables and configuration files can also be responsible for this issue. You might have configured your application to use a specific database or external service, but the Docker container doesn’t have access to these resources.

For example, your local environment might have a `` file that specifies the database connection details, but the Docker container doesn’t have this file or has a different configuration.

The Investigation: Debugging and Troubleshooting

Now that we’ve identified the potential culprits, let’s perform some detective work to uncover the root cause of the issue.

Check the Java Version

Verify the Java version used in your local environment and the Docker container. You can do this by:

  • Running `java -version` in your local terminal to check the Java version.
  • Adding a `RUN java -version` command in your Dockerfile to check the Java version inside the container.

Verify Dependencies

Double-check your dependencies by:

  • Reviewing your `pom.xml` file (Maven) or `build.gradle` file (Gradle) to ensure all dependencies are present.
  • Running `mvn dependency:tree` (Maven) or `gradle dependencies` (Gradle) to visualize the dependency graph.
  • Checking the Dockerfile to ensure all dependencies are installed correctly.

Environmental Variables and Configuration

Investigate environmental variables and configuration files by:

  • Checking the `` file (or equivalent) to ensure it’s present in the Docker container.
  • Verifying that the Docker container has access to the required resources (e.g., databases, external services).
  • Using Docker Compose or environment variables to configure the application correctly.

The Solution: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Dockerization

Now that we’ve debugged and troubleshooted the issue, it’s time to provide some actionable tips to ensure your Spring application works seamlessly in a Docker container.

Use Consistent Java Versions

Ensure you’re using the same Java version in your local environment and the Docker container. You can do this by:

FROM openjdk:11

Manage Dependencies Correctly

Use a consistent dependency management strategy. If you’re using Maven, ensure you’ve added all dependencies to the `pom.xml` file, and in the Dockerfile:

RUN mvn package

Configure Environmental Variables and Resources

Use environment variables or Docker Compose to configure your application correctly. For example, you can use the `-e` flag to set environment variables:

docker run -e DATABASE_URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb -p 8080:8080 my-spring-app

Or, use Docker Compose to configure the application:

version: '3'
    build: .
      - DATABASE_URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb
      - "8080:8080"

Best Practices for Dockerizing Spring Applications

To avoid similar issues in the future, follow these best practices when Dockerizing your Spring application:

  1. Keep it simple**: Start with a simple Dockerfile and gradually add complexity as needed.
  2. Use official images**: Use official Java or OpenJDK images as the base for your Dockerfile.
  3. Manage dependencies wisely**: Use consistent dependency management strategies and tools (e.g., Maven or Gradle).
  4. Configure environmental variables correctly**: Use environment variables or Docker Compose to configure your application.
  5. Test thoroughly**: Test your application extensively in both local and Dockerized environments.
Best Practice Description
Keep it simple Start with a simple Dockerfile and gradually add complexity as needed.
Use official images Use official Java or OpenJDK images as the base for your Dockerfile.
Manage dependencies wisely Use consistent dependency management strategies and tools (e.g., Maven or Gradle).
Configure environmental variables correctly Use environment variables or Docker Compose to configure your application.
Test thoroughly Test your application extensively in both local and Dockerized environments.


In conclusion, the issue of a Spring application working locally but not in a Docker container can be attributed to various factors, including mismatched Java versions, inconsistent dependencies, and environmental variables. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to successfully Dockerizing your Spring application.

Remember, debugging and troubleshooting are essential skills for any developer. By understanding the potential culprits and using the right tools and strategies, you can overcome even the most perplexing issues.

Happy coding and Dockerizing!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Spring application working when built locally and copied into docker, but not when built inside docker”:

Frequently Asked Question

Mystery of the Dockerized Spring App: Cracking the Code!

Why does my Spring application work when built locally and copied into Docker, but not when built inside Docker?

This phenomenon often occurs due to differences in the environment and configuration between your local machine and the Docker container. When built locally, the application is compiled and run with the dependencies and configuration specific to your local machine. However, when built inside Docker, the application is compiled and run within the container’s environment, which might have different dependencies, configuration, or even a different Java version. To resolve this, ensure that the Dockerfile and docker-compose files are correctly configured to match your local environment.

Could it be a classpath issue in the Docker container?

You’re on the right track! Classpath issues are a common culprit when building a Spring application inside a Docker container. Verify that the classpath is correctly set in the Docker container. You can do this by checking the `java -jar` command or the `Spring Boot` configuration. Also, ensure that the dependencies are correctly copied into the container and that the ` pom.xml` or `build.gradle` file is correctly configured. If you’re using a layered Dockerfile, make sure the dependencies are correctly copied between layers.

How do I debug my Spring application when it’s not working inside the Docker container?

Debugging a Dockerized Spring app can be challenging, but there are ways to shed some light on the issue! First, try running the container with the `-it` flag to access the container’s terminal and view the logs. You can also use `docker logs` to retrieve the container’s logs. Additionally, you can add debug logs or use a remote debugger to attach to the application running inside the container. Finally, use Docker’s `—mount` flag to mount your local project directory into the container, allowing you to view the application’s files and configuration.

What if I’m using a Multi-Module Maven project? Are there any specific considerations?

When working with a Multi-Module Maven project, things can get a bit more complicated! In a Dockerized environment, each module might have different dependencies and configurations. Ensure that each module’s `pom.xml` file is correctly configured and that the dependencies are correctly propagated between modules. You might need to use a combination of `docker-compose` and Maven’s `docker` plugin to manage the build and deployment process.

What are some best practices for building a Spring application inside a Docker container?

To ensure a smooth Dockerization experience, follow these best practices! Use a consistent naming convention for your Docker images and containers. Keep your Dockerfile and docker-compose files organized and easy to read. Use environment variables to configure your application, and avoid hardcoding values. Use a `.dockerignore` file to exclude unnecessary files from the build process. Finally, test your Dockerized application thoroughly to ensure it works as expected.

Let me know if you need any further changes!