Mastering Data Frames: How to Count the Number of Rows in a Data Frame Filtered with the Complete.Case Function?
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Mastering Data Frames: How to Count the Number of Rows in a Data Frame Filtered with the Complete.Case Function?

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Are you tired of dealing with messy data frames in R? Do you struggle to count the number of rows in a data frame after applying the function? Worry no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of data frames and explore the easiest ways to count the number of rows in a data frame filtered with the function.

What is the Complete.Case Function?

The function in R is a powerful tool used to remove rows with missing values in a data frame. It’s a part of the stats package and is often used to clean and preprocess data for analysis. The function takes a data frame as input and returns a new data frame with only the complete cases, i.e., rows with no missing values.

df_complete <- df[complete.cases(df), ]

Why Count the Number of Rows in a Data Frame?

Counting the number of rows in a data frame is a crucial step in data analysis. It helps you understand the size of your dataset, track changes after filtering or aggregation, and perform statistical analysis. In the context of the function, counting the number of rows helps you determine the number of complete cases in your data frame.

The easiest way to count the number of rows in a data frame is by using the nrow() function. This function returns the number of rows in a data frame.


By applying the nrow() function to the filtered data frame (df_complete), you get the exact count of rows with no missing values.

Method 2: Using the dim() Function

Another way to count the number of rows in a data frame is by using the dim() function. This function returns the dimension of the data frame, which includes the number of rows and columns.


The dim() function returns a vector with two elements: the number of rows and the number of columns. By indexing the first element ([1]), you get the number of rows in the data frame.

Method 3: Using the Summary() Function

The summary() function provides a concise overview of the data frame, including the number of rows, mean, median, and quartiles for each column.


While the summary() function doesn’t directly return the number of rows, you can extract the information from the output. Look for the “obs” or “observations” entry, which indicates the number of rows in the data frame.

Real-World Example: Counting Complete Cases in a Sample Dataset

Let’s create a sample dataset with missing values and apply the function to remove the incomplete cases.

# Create a sample dataset
df <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2, NA, 4, 5), 
                  y = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50), 
                  z = c("A", "B", NA, "D", "E"))

# Apply the function
df_complete <- df[complete.cases(df), ]

# Count the number of rows in the filtered data frame

In this example, we create a sample dataset with three columns (x, y, z) and five rows. The third row has a missing value in the x column. We apply the function to remove the incomplete case, resulting in a filtered data frame with four rows. Finally, we use the nrow() function to count the number of rows in the filtered data frame, which returns 4.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when working with the function and counting rows in a data frame:

  • Avoid using the function on a data frame with no missing values, as it will return the original data frame.
  • Use the nrow() function with caution, as it may return incorrect results if the data frame has row names.
  • Combine the function with other filtering methods, such as subset or filter, to create more complex data filtering pipelines.
  • Use the dim() function to extract the number of columns in a data frame, which can be useful in data transformation and aggregation tasks.


Counting the number of rows in a data frame filtered with the function is a crucial step in data analysis. By mastering the nrow(), dim(), and summary() functions, you’ll be able to efficiently count the number of rows in your data frame and gain insights into your data. Remember to apply these functions correctly, taking into account the potential pitfalls and nuances of each method. Happy data analyzing!

Function Syntax Description
nrow() nrow(df) Returns the number of rows in a data frame.
dim() dim(df)[1] Returns the dimension of a data frame, including the number of rows and columns.
summary() summary(df) Provides a concise overview of a data frame, including the number of rows, mean, median, and quartiles for each column.

By applying these functions correctly, you’ll be able to efficiently count the number of rows in your data frame and gain valuable insights into your data.

Do you have any questions or tips on counting rows in a data frame filtered with the function? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of counting rows in a data frame filtered with the function!

Q1: What is the function, and why do I need it?

The function is a powerful tool in R that removes rows with missing values from a data frame. You need it to ensure that your data is clean and complete before analysis. Think of it as a quality control step for your data!

Q2: How do I use the function to filter my data frame?

Easy peasy! Simply use the function followed by the name of your data frame, like this: complete.cases(your_data_frame). This will return a logical vector indicating which rows have no missing values.

Q3: Okay, I’ve filtered my data. Now, how do I count the number of rows?

You’re almost there! To count the number of rows, use the nrow function in combination with the function, like this: nrow(your_data_frame[complete.cases(your_data_frame), ]). This will give you the count of rows with no missing values.

Q4: What if I want to count the number of rows for a specific subset of my data?

No worries! You can add additional filters using the && operator. For example, if you want to count the number of rows with no missing values and a specific value in a column, say “Category” == “A”, use this: nrow(your_data_frame[complete.cases(your_data_frame) & your_data_frame$Category == “A”, ]). This will give you the count of rows that meet both conditions.

Q5: Are there any alternatives to the function?

Yes, there are! You can use the drop_na function from the tidyr package, or the na.omit function from the stats package. These functions also remove rows with missing values, but with slightly different syntax. Experiment and find what works best for you!