Does JPA Call a Stored Procedure in the Same Transaction?
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Does JPA Call a Stored Procedure in the Same Transaction?

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When working with Java Persistence API (JPA), developers often wonder if it’s possible to call a stored procedure within the same transaction. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of JPA and explore the answer to this question. Get ready to learn about the intricacies of transaction management in JPA and how it relates to stored procedures!

What is JPA and How Does it Handle Transactions?

JPA (Java Persistence API) is a Java specification that allows developers to interact with relational databases using Java objects. It provides a standardized way of accessing, persisting, and managing data between Java objects and relational databases.

JPA handles transactions using the Java Transaction API (JTA). When a JPA entity manager is created, it automatically enlists in the current JTA transaction. This means that any database operations performed through the entity manager are part of the same transaction. If an exception occurs during the transaction, JPA will automatically roll back the changes.

What About Stored Procedures?

A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements that are stored in the database and can be executed repeatedly. Stored procedures can be used to perform complex database operations, such as data validation, data transformation, and business logic implementation.

In JPA, stored procedures can be called using the `@NamedStoredProcedureQuery` annotation or the `entityManager.createStoredProcedureQuery()` method. However, when it comes to transaction management, things get a bit more complicated.

Does JPA Call a Stored Procedure in the Same Transaction?

The short answer is: it depends. By default, JPA does not call a stored procedure in the same transaction as the entity manager. This means that if an exception occurs during the execution of the stored procedure, it will not affect the current JPA transaction.

However, there are ways to configure JPA to call a stored procedure within the same transaction. Let’s explore some of these options:

Using the `@Transactional` Annotation

The `@Transactional` annotation can be used to enable transactional behavior for a stored procedure call. By annotating the method that calls the stored procedure with `@Transactional`, JPA will create a new transaction or join an existing one, depending on the transaction manager configuration.

public void callStoredProcedure() {
    StoredProcedureQuery query = entityManager.createStoredProcedureQuery("my_procedure");

In this example, the `callStoredProcedure()` method is annotated with `@Transactional`, which means that the stored procedure call will be executed within a transaction. If an exception occurs during the stored procedure call, the transaction will be rolled back.

Using the `EntityManager` API

Another way to call a stored procedure within the same transaction is to use the `EntityManager` API. By calling `entityManager.joinTransaction()` or `entityManager.getTransaction().begin()` before calling the stored procedure, JPA will include the stored procedure call in the current transaction.

public void callStoredProcedure() {
    StoredProcedureQuery query = entityManager.createStoredProcedureQuery("my_procedure");

In this example, the `entityManager.joinTransaction()` method is called before calling the stored procedure. This ensures that the stored procedure call is part of the current transaction.

Using a Transactional Resource Local Entity Manager

In some cases, you may want to use a resource local entity manager that is part of a JTA transaction. This can be achieved by injecting a `UserTransaction` object and using it to create a transactional resource local entity manager.

UserTransaction userTransaction;

public void callStoredProcedure() {
    EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
    try {
        StoredProcedureQuery query = entityManager.createStoredProcedureQuery("my_procedure");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {

In this example, a `UserTransaction` object is injected, and a transaction is started before calling the stored procedure. The stored procedure call is then executed using a resource local entity manager, and the transaction is committed or rolled back depending on the outcome.

Best Practices for Calling Stored Procedures in JPA

When calling stored procedures in JPA, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure that your application behaves as expected. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use the `@Transactional` annotation or `EntityManager` API to ensure that the stored procedure call is part of the same transaction.
  • Use a consistent transaction manager configuration to ensure that transactions are properly propagated.
  • Use a retry mechanism to handle cases where the stored procedure call fails due to temporary errors.
  • Monitor and log stored procedure calls to ensure that any issues are detected and addressed promptly.
  • Test stored procedure calls thoroughly to ensure that they behave as expected in different scenarios.


In conclusion, JPA can call a stored procedure in the same transaction, but it requires careful configuration and planning. By using the `@Transactional` annotation, `EntityManager` API, or a transactional resource local entity manager, you can ensure that stored procedure calls are part of the same transaction. Remember to follow best practices when calling stored procedures in JPA to ensure that your application behaves as expected.

Method Description
@Transactional Annotation Enables transactional behavior for a stored procedure call
EntityManager API Allows you to join an existing transaction or create a new one
Transactional Resource Local Entity Manager Creates a transactional resource local entity manager using a UserTransaction object

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be able to effectively call stored procedures in JPA and ensure that your application behaves as expected. Happy coding!

  1. EntityManager API Documentation
  2. Transaction API Documentation
  3. JPA Tutorial: Persistence Basics

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the secrets of JPA and stored procedures in the same transaction!

Does JPA call a stored procedure in the same transaction as the surrounding JPA operations?

Yes, JPA does call a stored procedure in the same transaction as the surrounding JPA operations. This is because JPA provides a mechanism to execute stored procedures as part of a single transaction.

How does JPA ensure that the stored procedure is executed within the same transaction?

JPA ensures that the stored procedure is executed within the same transaction by using the underlying database connection’s transactional semantics. This means that the stored procedure is executed as part of the ongoing transaction, and any changes made by the procedure are committed or rollbacked along with the surrounding JPA operations.

Can I manually control the transaction boundaries when calling a stored procedure using JPA?

Yes, you can manually control the transaction boundaries when calling a stored procedure using JPA by using the `@TransactionAttribute` annotation or the `EntityManager` API to demarcate the transaction boundaries.

What happens if the stored procedure encounters an error during execution within a JPA transaction?

If the stored procedure encounters an error during execution within a JPA transaction, the transaction will be rolled back, and any changes made by the procedure will be undone. This ensures that the database remains in a consistent state.

Are there any performance considerations when calling a stored procedure within a JPA transaction?

Yes, there are performance considerations when calling a stored procedure within a JPA transaction, such as the overhead of creating and committing the transaction, as well as the potential impact on database locking and concurrency. However, the benefits of encapsulating business logic within a stored procedure and leveraging JPA’s transactional semantics often outweigh the performance costs.