Solving the Frustrating “#N/A Requesting” Error: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Your VBA Button for Bloomberg Data
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Solving the Frustrating “#N/A Requesting” Error: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Your VBA Button for Bloomberg Data

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Are you tired of encountering the “#N/A Requesting” error when trying to pull data from Bloomberg using a VBA button? You’re not alone! This pesky error has been a thorn in the side of many Excel enthusiasts, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into a comprehensive guide to resolving this issue once and for all.

Understanding the “#N/A Requesting” Error

The “#N/A Requesting” error typically occurs when Excel is unable to retrieve data from an external source, such as Bloomberg, using a VBA macro. This error can manifest in various ways, including:

  • #N/A Requesting displayed in the cell where data is expected
  • Error messages stating “Unable to retrieve data” or “Data not available”
  • VBA code crashing or freezing when attempting to access Bloomberg data

Common Causes of the “#N/A Requesting” Error

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore some common causes of this error:

  1. Inactive Bloomberg Terminal Session: If your Bloomberg terminal is not active or logged out, Excel won’t be able to access the necessary data.
  2. Incorrect Bloomberg API Settings: Misconfigured API settings can prevent data retrieval.
  3. VBA Macro Issues: Faulty or poorly written VBA code can lead to errors when interacting with Bloomberg.
  4. : Poor internet connectivity or firewall restrictions can prevent data retrieval.

Solution 1: Validate Bloomberg Terminal Session

Ensure that your Bloomberg terminal is active and logged in. To do this:

1. Open your Bloomberg terminal.
2. Log in with your credentials.
3. Verify that you're logged in by checking the Bloomberg logo in the top-left corner of the terminal.

Solution 2: Check and Configure Bloomberg API Settings

Make sure your Bloomberg API settings are correctly configured:

1. Open the Bloomberg Excel API (BEA) add-in.
2. Click on "Bloomberg" in the ribbon, then select "API Settings".
3. Verify that the API version is compatible with your Excel version.
4. Ensure the "Enable API" checkbox is selected.
5. Click "OK" to save changes.

Solution 3: Optimize Your VBA Macro

Revise your VBA code to ensure it’s efficient and error-free:

'Example VBA Code
Sub BloombergDataPull()
    Dim session As New BloombergSession
    session.start BloombergSessionMode.bbgSessionModeLocal
    session.create BloombergSessionHandle.bbgSessionHandleLocal
    'Insert your Bloomberg function calls here
    Set session = Nothing
End Sub

Key takeaways:

  • Ensure you’re using the correct Bloomberg session mode (local or remote).
  • Use the `start` and `stop` methods to initialize and close the Bloomberg session.
  • Insert your Bloomberg function calls within the `start` and `stop` methods.

Solution 4: Troubleshoot Network Connectivity

Eliminate any network connectivity issues:

1. Check your internet connection and ensure it's stable.
2. Verify that your firewall settings allow communication with Bloomberg servers.
3. Restart your Bloomberg terminal and Excel to ensure a fresh connection.

Additional Tips and Tricks

To avoid the “#N/A Requesting” error in the future:

  • Regularly update your Bloomberg API: Ensure you’re running the latest version of the Bloomberg Excel API.
  • Monitor your Bloomberg terminal session: Keep an eye on your Bloomberg terminal session to ensure it remains active and logged in.
  • : Continuously test and refine your VBA code to prevent errors and improve performance.


The “#N/A Requesting” error can be frustrating, but by following these step-by-step solutions, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue and successfully pulling data from Bloomberg using your VBA button. Remember to stay vigilant and perform regular maintenance checks to prevent future errors. Happy coding!

Solution Description
Validate Bloomberg Terminal Session Ensure Bloomberg terminal is active and logged in.
Check and Configure Bloomberg API Settings Verify correct API version and enable API.
Optimize Your VBA Macro Revise VBA code for efficiency and error-free execution.
Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Eliminate network connectivity issues.

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with the dreaded “#N/A Requesting” error when trying to pull data from Bloomberg using a VBA button? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

Q1: What does the “#N/A Requesting” error mean?

The “#N/A Requesting” error typically indicates that the Bloomberg API is still processing the request and hasn’t returned the data yet. It’s like waiting for a coffee – it takes a few seconds! Try waiting for a bit and then retrying the request.

Q2: Is my Bloomberg API subscription not active?

Check your Bloomberg API subscription status! If it’s inactive, you won’t be able to retrieve data. Ensure you have an active subscription and the correct credentials. If you’re still stuck, contact Bloomberg support for assistance.

Q3: Is the Bloomberg add-in installed and enabled?

Make sure the Bloomberg Excel add-in is installed and enabled in your Excel application. You can check this by going to File > Options > Add-ins and ensuring the Bloomberg add-in is listed and checked. If not, install and enable it!

Q4: Are my Bloomberg API credentials correct?

Double-check your Bloomberg API credentials, such as your username, password, and API key. A single typo can cause the “#N/A Requesting” error. Verify your credentials and try again.

Q5: Is there a syntax error in my VBA code?

Code mistakes can cause the “#N/A Requesting” error. Review your VBA code for syntax errors, especially in the Bloomberg API function calls. Check for missing or incorrect parameters, and ensure you’re using the correct Bloomberg API function for your data request.

I hope these FAQs help you troubleshoot and resolve the “#N/A Requesting” error when pulling data from Bloomberg using a VBA button!

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